Happy Birthday webdt.org!!!

It was a year ago this month that I received a comment on the braindeadprojects  site from a user named quotaholic.

Quotaholic had also picked up a WebpadDt  with the hopes of expanding upon it’s capabilities. My initial goal was a cheap touchpad screen for a car-pc. Quotaholic was thinking about bigger possibilities – and built himself an entire community site.

So somewhere on or around March of 2009,   www.webdt.org was born.

While I don’t necessarily agree with some of the goals of the site (I personally don’t understand the point of testing to see which Linux distro’s will run on the webpad – and would like to see the community get behind one distro and build releases specifically aimed at the webpad)… the level of ambition is amazing.

I’ve not had much time to continue with the webpad on my own. Quotaholic however, has released a 100M version of Debian Lenny with the LXDE Desktop Environment geared towards the webpad (penmount drivers working and all)

So what am I doing with my DT now? Using it to stream audio (over my wireless) to my kitchen stereo. And the Gentoo Image that I’ve put a lot of work into? Well, that filesystem is on my storage server while I use Quotaholics release.

Happy Birthday webdt.org!!!

One thought on “Happy Birthday webdt.org!!!”

  1. Thank you for the props! I just found your blog while searching for webdt312 drivers. I had the same goals you mentioned with regards to the site however my skills on linux are only now getting to the point of centralizing around one distro. The other night I recompiled kernel 3.9.6 and used squashfs to make a module that I stuck in porteus linux. It works and is a geode specific kernel. The image is unfinished however I am just getting the hand of kernel hacking. And as such I will be focusing on my own distribution for the DT’s. The 312 (Atom based 10 inch) just hit surplus so I am distracted with a new toy for the moment. Curious about the gentoo image you have there. Again thank you fro your nice post. If you feel like testing a kde3 based porteus build please build let me know. Its a 300mb image with a full operating system.

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