Cable Modem Troubleshooting Tips
FrontPage tips
If you use Microsoft FrontPage to compose web pages, and if your ISP's web server does not support FrontPage Server Extensions (many of which are Microsoft proprietary extensions), you need to configure FrontPage:
- to publish using FTP;
- to avoid composing web pages that use FrontPage Server Extensions.
Before you start, you need to know the details of the FTP account to which your ISP allows you to upload your web pages: those details might include:
- server address: this might be the same as, or might differ from, the address of the web server from which the pages appear. For the purposes of the instructions below, let us assume the address is
- account user name: issued to you by the ISP;
- account password: issued to you by the ISP;
- path: optionally, there might be a path to which one has to change directory after login with the above credentials.
In the case of NTL users, the details are:
- server address: (for pages served from the web server;
- account user name: your ntl username, the same as the part of your primary e-mail address before the (not any secondary e-mail address you might have created).
- account password: the same as your password for your e-mail account (or, sometimes, the same as it first was issued to you, if you have changed it);
- path: (blank).
The following instructions were checked against FrontPage version 2002. Other versions might differ in detail. Proceed as follows:
- Pull down the File menu and select Publish Web...
- If you get a dialog box Name and Password Required, then click Cancel.
- If you get a dialog box Publish Web, click Change...
- Now you should get a dialog box Publish Destination.
- In the box Enter publish destination, enter where is the address of the FTP server you have been given.
- Click OK.
- In the dialog Name and Password Required, enter your account Name and Password.
- You then reach the standard Publish Web dialog that enables you to choose which files to publish.
To prevent FrontPage composing web pages including features that require FrontPage Server Extensions:
- Pull down the Tools menu and select Page Options...
- Click tab Compatibility.
- Uncheck Enabled with Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions.
- Also, to ensure that your web pages are compatible with a broad range of web browsers and servers:
- Uncheck ActiveX controls;
- Uncheck VBScript;
- Uncheck Active server pages;
- Uncheck VML graphics.
- Click OK.
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