Settings |
A password has not been set to protect your Parental Controls and other system settings. Without a system password, these settings can be changed by anyone with a computer connected to your home network. In addition to protecting your settings, creating a system password will allow you to temporarily override Parental Controls settings from any computer. |
Computer |
Internet Access Control |
Content Screening |
user-ub8w0zjuj6 |
Web Browsing: |
Partially Allowed |
Instant Messaging: |
Partially Allowed |
All Other Applications: |
Partially Allowed |
No restrictions |
B2B4W4 |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |
user-707cf95a45 |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |
ibmtp19 |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |
DSLConfig |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |
dellgx150 |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |
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No restrictions
| |
No restrictions |
New Computer Default Settings |
No restrictions
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No restrictions |